Introduction to a Future Dentist

Hello everyone, my name is Jesika Patel and I’m a senior at the University of Oklahoma. My major is Microbiology with a minor in Chemistry, and I’m also Pre-Dentistry. My goal is to get into dental school and become a dentist. I actually just took the DAT (Dental Admission Test) a couple of days before school started, which was stressful. Sadly, I spent most of my summer studying for the test, but it wasn’t too bad. I also was volunteering at a dental clinic in the city, which was fun and a good way to get some experience. I was going to apply this following cycle, but decided to take a gap year instead to gain some more experience and to make my application better.

A little background about me is that I was born in Tampa, Florida and my family moved quite a lot before coming to Oklahoma, which is where we lived the longest. Although, my parents moved to Georgia my freshman year of college because they wanted to live closer to my other family members. I do have an older brother and he also graduated from OU like 3 years ago. He was a big part of why I decided to go to OU for college and I’m glad I did! In my free time, I like to watch Netflix, go hiking, or just hang out with my friends. I would say I’m a pretty adventurous person and I like to try new things, especially food. I’m always down to try different types of food. Some of my favorite types of food are Mexican and Indian. I like these two because there’s lots of flavor and the spiciness. Also, I love being outdoors and just doing fun stuff like hiking or go biking. I’m trying to be more active and not waste most of my day being inside. I hope you guys enjoyed reading a little bit about me!

(Personal Photo: Me on top of Mount Scott in Oklahoma) 


  1. That's great that you are planning a gap year, Jesika; there is so much you can learn out there in the world that you can never learn in the classroom or from a book. I bet that happens every time you do a shift at the dental clinic! And if you like Indian food, maybe you can do a food-inspired project for this class. If you keep an eye out for food, you will notice it mentioned in the epics, and some of the gods are seriously into food, like Ganesha who even carries a dish of sweet laddus in one hand! The food dish is usually in his lower left hand, like here: Ganesha ... more about Ganesha and food. And now I am hungry for Indian sweets! Oh no! (If Ganesha had a dentist, she would have to warn him about eating all those sweets ha ha)

  2. Hi Jesika!
    It was very neat learning more about you in your introduction. I too consider myself very adventurous always down to go on a hike or climb a mountain. I also like to try different foods and Mexican is definitely one of my favorites. I enjoy Netflix but for some reason I always just find myself going back to re-watch the office. Good luck with classes this semester and with your future endeavors of dentistry!

  3. Hello Jesika, my name's Ethan!

    That's so cool! My dad's a dentist! My family's also moved from a larger area to Oklahoma. I was actually born in New York. I would definitely say that I'm not very picky when it comes to food either. I've pretty much had it all. Greek, Thai, Indian, German, etc. I really like Schwarma too, which isn't something a lot of people seem to have tried. It pays to be an adventurous person I guess.

  4. Hi Jesika,

    That is awesome that you are wanting to go into becoming a dentist, that is a really good field. I also love Mexican and Indian food, they are definitely my favorite. How nice, we have a lot in common. Doing adventures things is the best way to get your mind off of school which can be really stressful. Hope to see you around on campus!

  5. Hey Jesika! It’s great that you got the DAT out of the way – I’m very happy for you! Those long, standardized tests are kind of the worst. Hope you still managed to enjoy some of your summer in the midst of all of that studying though! I wish you the best of luck this year, and hope you enjoy whatever the future brings!

  6. Hi Jesika!
    Congratulations on completing the DAT! It’s too bad you didn’t get much of a summer, but hey! You made it! The picture you included is awesome- what a view! Spending more time outside can be tough, especially as a college student, and it’s awesome that you’ve been able to make time to get out and hike and bike in Oklahoma’s gorgeous natural areas. Best of luck with this semester and your subsequent gap year!

  7. Hi Jesika! As many others have mentioned, congrats on passing the DAT! I have a few pre-dent friends that are really stressing out about that, but it's great that you've been able to get that off of the To-Do list. I've been in Oklahoma for twenty years, so I'm always curious to know what people actually think of this state when they move here from somewhere else. I hope you have a great semester overall!

  8. Hey there Jesika! Thank you for sharing a little bit of who you are with the class. I think it is so awesome that you took the DAT and that you are pre-dent! I am a med-med student myself and I have to take the MCAT very soon, so I completely understand the stress that you're facing right now. I wish you the best and I'm sure you will do great in dental school! Have a great rest of the semester!

  9. Hey Jesika!
    I think that taking a gap year is a great idea, it gives you work experience as well as a break from the academic world. Where are some of your favorite spots to hike? During a long a weekend I would recommend checking out the Ozarks. They're about a 4 hour drive and won't disappoint! I also love food and would have to agree that both Indian and Mexican food are amazing. Great taste!

  10. Hey Jesika, I enjoyed reading your post and thank you for sharing a little bit about who you are. Congrats on passing the DAT, I have a couple of friends that have been stressed out because of it. Going around with little adventures is a great way to give your mind a break, especially with all the pressure here at school.

  11. Hi Jesika! One, I'm sure your test went great! I know its really difficult to get into the OU dental college, as my own friend named Jessica wants to be a dentist as well! I don't know if you have ever been to Roman Nose State Park, but it is a really great state park with climbing, hiking, canoeing, and mini-golf! I applaud your dedication to your career choice - good luck with everything!

  12. Hi Jesika! That is so awesome you want to be a dentist. I applaud you because I have heard that is a very difficult program to get into. I took the LSAT this summer so I know what you mean when you say you spent the whole summer studying, because I did too. I am a big hiker as well, most families like to go to the beach on vacation but mine always seems to be quite the opposite. We are more of a hiking and mountain kind of family. I am a huge fan of food and also like try new things whenever I get the chance. I hope your gap year goes well and the rest of your semester!

  13. Hi Jesika! Seems like you took the easy road majoring in microbiology AND chemistry. Just kidding, that sounds awful. I'm sure you're crushing it thought, and from your introduction it sounds like you are. I used to be pre-med and was majoring in chemical biosciences. But, eventually I realized it wasn't for me because I couldn't spend 8 more years in school. But, seems like the right path for you, so all the best!

  14. Hi Jesika! Wow! Microbiology and chemistry and dentistry. That seems like a lot of information to cover! Bravo! I actually loved going to the dentist as a kid because my dentist was nicest person every and always told me I had healthy teeth (thanks parents for not letting me eat too much candy). It's great that you are trying to spend a lot of time outside! I've been reading a book called ecology of happiness that is all about how important the outdoors are for our mental health. Hope your semester is going well!

  15. Hi Jesika! I think it is awesome that you want to be a dentist! My friend was in a similar boat as you this summer. He spent all summer studying for the DAT and he seldom got a break from that! He explained what was all on it and it sounded pretty tough! I also love to experience new food so I can definitely relate there! I do not love chemistry too much. Maybe I need to force myself to like it. it can be so confusing!

  16. Hi Jesika. I like your career aspiration to become a dentist. I think it’s a good, professional job. DAT must have been stressful since it’s the admission test. I like that you work so hard and spend your days so productively to become a dentist. I like to watch Netflix too! I like Mexican and Indian food. I’ve had them before and they tasted so great. They're so much better than fast food restaurants that are everywhere in Norman. It’s nice to meet you Jesika!

  17. Hi Jesika! I think that you'll make a great dentist! Standardized test are always the worst, but I'm sure you did great! So cool that you were born in Florida! Do you visit a lot? What are your favorite shows to watch on Netflix? I've binged The Office probably like ten times. Also, I just watched July 22 and I recommend! Also, I love the picture you included! SO PRETTY!


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