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Hey guys! Check out my storybook site about Sita, here!
The different events of Sita being abducted
(Source: Wikimedia Commons)


  1. Hey Jessica,
    I really like the idea of you writing the story in Sita’s perspective. It is really cool that we get to read her diary entires too, that is totally different compared to how we read it. This will create a different look into Sita’s life. I am really looking forward to reading this because I found Sita a really interesting character and love Sita and Rama together. I like that you have given a roadmap to the stories you will be writing because now the readers know what to expect and can really get excited like I am currently. We all kind of over looking Sita’s feeling because we don’t really read about it but of course she has feelings herself. Sita’s goes through a lot and I like how you will be looking more into it and really showing the readers how Sita feels. You have a great idea going on your storybook Jessica.

  2. Hi Jessica,

    This is a really interesting take on telling the story about an entire character. I think we get to learn a little information about Sita during her midrange life when she meets Rama, and then later when she is swallowed up by the Earth. I think it will be interesting to learn more about her life in between the points and what is not often discussed by the Ramayana. One thing that would be interesting is how she perceives the Trial by Fire and the banishment into the forest. In addition, it would be interesting to see how she views Rama, and whether or not she knows that he is one of the reincarnations of Vishnu. This would make more sense on how she reacts to some of the commands that Rama makes. Overall, I'm excited to read your story and learn more about Sita and Rama from her perspective.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hey Jesika!
    I like where you are going with this. Using Sita's emotions and feelings from her diary should lead to an interesting story! I like how you outlined where you are going and what to expect from her diary and why it is important. I'm excited to see how her story is from her perspective and how you're able to put it into her words. I like how you gave a background of her love story but didn't give too much so you can fully explain it from her diary. It would be really interesting to see some letters exchanged between Sita and Rama and her reactions to them. Maybe even jump into Rama's diary and his side as we hear Sita's side and see how they differ and what emotions are behind the different actions by both. Either way, I think it'll play out really well! I'm ready to see the rest of it!

  5. Hi Jesika! Your site looks great and the pictures you have used for Sita are awesome and help me visualize her very well! I really enjoyed reading about Sita so i loved your site from the beginning. The fact the you chose to write this story from the perspective of her diary is awesome and very unique. I look forward to reading more about her emotions and what she is thinking among some of her biggest moments. I cant wait to hear from her words what she was thinking during the moment she was kidnapped and what she thought while being held hostage. I also cannot wait to read your final story about her emotions when Rama did not want her anymore, that will be very interesting! You have chosen great events to represent through her diary! One thing i would like to know of is what did she think when she had to jump into the fire?

  6. Hi Jesika! I've read a handful of books that are written around diary/journal entries and I've always enjoyed them! I think they do a good job at capturing emotions that usually wouldn't be shown to readers. You feel like you're getting the juiciest info because you're literally reading someone's diary. I think it be cool if you showed a couple of Sita's journal entries from when she was younger and they could be describing how she wants to find the great love of her life. Also, after she meets Rama, I think it be funny to include entries in the diary that are like "Mrs. Sita "insert Rama's last name" written over and over again. That just gives me diary vibes. I'm excited to see what you do with this story!

  7. Hi Jesika,

    I loved browsing through your project website. It truly looks fantastic. I love the images that you chose to include. They do a tremendous job of helping the reading visualize SIta. I did not focus as much on Sita, so I am glad that your project website does. It brings my attention to material that I would have otherwise missed. It is so cool that you are treating it like a diary. Putting the readers into the shoes of a character does a great job of both engaging the reader and informing them of things they might not have previously considered. The ability to depict the character’s emotions in a diary format is much better than another style, so it looks like you are doing a great job. I think the ability to show her personal views on Rama is what makes the storytelling style standout the most. Great job and I look forward to reading more in the future.


  8. Hi Jessica, I just looked through your storybook and I like the organization of it. I read your introduction and I am looking forward to your stories. It is interesting that you decided to take on Sita's perspective. I did a story like this myself. I made one up from Vali's perspective after was trapped in the hole. It was fun to write because sometimes when reading a story I get curious as to what another character's point of view would be in the same situation. I like that you are providing an interpretation of the diary and also that you are using it to do your own retelling of the story. I also like the picture you used in your introduction. Your storybook is about Sita and you put her picture on the home page but also included a picture of them together.

  9. Hi Jesika. I read your "The One That Got Away" story. It was a really creative and interesting story to read. It was interesting to read about the deep bond between Sita and Rama. It’s so sweet that Rama built a castle with a beautiful garden for Sita. It also sounded somewhat eerie that there was a dark and ambiguous forest filled with demons right behind the beautiful castle. The disguised old man Ravana seemed so cunning. It’s fortunate that Rama heard the faint screaming of Sita at a distance. If he didn’t hear that painful scream, he would have missed Sita and lost her to evil Ravana. I thought it was great for Rama to have a good brother like Lakshmana. They acted and coordinated as a team: Rama went after Ravana and Lakshmana helped Sita to get out of chariot. I like the happy ending of the story. I wonder why Rama got lost after chasing the mysterious golden deer. And what if Lakshmana wasn’t there to help Rama fight the strong and cunning Ravana. I think Rama might have lost the fight and lost Sita to evil Ravana. Thank you for a great story!


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