EC Reading Notes: The Story of the Crane and the Fish

The Story of the Cane and the Fish

  • The Master teaches a young prince Ajatasatru a lesson on how cunning does not always succeed and wickedness doesn't always prevail. 
  • He told the young prince of a story. Story was about how there was two ponds. One that was quite small, while the other one was big and wide.
  • Now, there was a crane who noticed fishes in the small pool. He came up with a plan to deceive the fishes by saying he'll carry each fish one by one to the bigger pond.
  • However, he tricked them and didn't take them to the pond. Instead, he killed and ate them.
  • Then, the crane tried to con the crayfish, but it outsmarted him and killed the crane.
  • The crane got it's karma from the crayfish.
  • The prince thanked the Master for the lesson before he left.
The crane that fooled the fishes.
(Source: Wikimedia Commons)
Bibliography: "The Story of the Crane and the Fish"- The Life of Buddha by A.F. Herold.


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