Time Strategies

I know that managing your time is really important, but I have to admit I'm not the best at that. Sometimes, procrastination gets the best of me. The two articles I read on time management were How to Beat Procrastination and 3 Steps to Recapturing Time. Both of these articles were quite insightful. One of the tips from the second article I will definitely use will be saying no. I want to start prioritizing better, which means I might have to say no to certain things here and there. My biggest challenge this semester will be trying to complete my assignments ahead of time. I quite struggle with this and usually wait till the last minute to do an assignment. This semester I want to change that and try to get ahead, which will make my life so much easier. I find that keeping a planner helps me a lot and seeing what I need to get done. Planning things out is a great way of getting things done in a timely manner.
(Time Management Clock from Pixabay)


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