Reading Notes: PDE Mahabharata, Part B

The House of Fire

  • Prince Vidura warned his nephew Prince Yudhishthira that Prince Duryodhana was planning on harming the Pandavas and their mother.
  • Prince Yudhishthira knew Vidura was right and went to his brothers and mother telling them that they're in great danger.
  • Prince Vidura gets a miner to dig an undergrounder passage that leads to the forest from the palace.
  • Purochana a evil captain was the one that was going to set the palace on fire.
  • Once the tunnel was done, the Pandavas and Queen Kunti fled, but Prince Bhima goes back because he wants to get revenge on the evil captain.
  • Bhima set the guard house on fire to get his revenge, but that fire spreads to the palace too.
  • It also happens that these lower caste woman and her five sons came to the palace earlier begging for food and they slept by the palace too.
  • So, they died in the fire and the townspeople noticed their bodies thinking it was the Pandavas and Queen Kunti.
  • Thus, news spread to Prince Duryodhana and King Dhritarashtra thinking their plan worked on killing the Pandavas and the Queen. 
Bhima and Hidimbi
  • Hidimbi comes to Queen Kunti telling her how her son is fighting her brother who is the chief of the rakshasas.
  • The brothers go immediately to help Bhima, but refuses their help saying he can handle it. Arjuna warns Bhima to do it quickly because at sun down the rakshasas get stronger.
  • Soon Bhima slays the monster breaking its back and then everyone returns back quickly.
  • However, Hidimbi follows them begging Kunti to tell her son to take her as his bride or else she will kill herself. She continues saying how she'll be his slave and do whatever they want.
  • Kunti agrees and Bhima was married to the rakshasa by his brother Yudhishthira
  • Rakshasa takes Bhima to the mountains where they live happily. She takes the form of celestial beauty.
  • She become mother of Ghatotkacha, who had sharp teeth, pointy ears, big mouth, and was bald.
  • Bhima returned to his mother with his wife, but after a while Hidimbi left with her son. She told the Pandavas that if they ever needed help to call her son and he'll be there.
Here's an image of what Ghatotkacha looks like
(Source: Wikimedia Commons)

                         PDE Mahabharata- Bhima and Hidimbi


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