Reading Notes: PDE Ramayana, Part D

Sita Tested

  • Sita is crying because Rama questions her purity after being held capture by Ravana for so long. She's hurt and angry that he could even question her loyalty.
  • Even Rama's brother, Lakshmana, was angry about the whole situation
  • Sita requested a funeral pyre and prayed to the fire god, Agni. She got into the fire while everyone surrounded and watched her.
  • The fire god assures Rama that Sita is pure and returns her to him.
  • He tell Agni that he had to test Sita because people would complain and judge since she was held capture for so long, and they couldn't believe that the son of King Dasharatha would just accept Sita like that.
  • It was upsetting that Sita was questioned like that by Rama. I felt like it could have been handle better and he should've trusted Sita's loyalty to him.
Valmiki's Hermitage
  • The people objected their queen Sita and doubted her purity because she was taken by Ravana.
  • Rama decided to send Sita in exile agreeing to his people's wishes
  • Lakshmana escorts Sita to the jungles to hermitage of Valmiki, who took her in.
  • Soon after, she gave birth to two boys names Lava and Kusha
  • Rama needed a horse for sacrifice to cleans his soul. So, he sends his army, but they were attack by his sons, who at the time he didn't know.
  • He went himself to capture the horse and ran into the two brothers. Then he asks them who their mother is, in which they reply is Sita.
  • I wander why Rama wasn't informed earlier that Sita gave birth to his two sons. This could be interesting change to the plot to where Rama finds out he has two sons, but he didn't accept them.
Lava and Kusha captured a horse wanted by Rama, their father.
(Source: Wikimedia Commons)

                         PDE Ramayana- Valmiki's Hermitage


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