Reading Notes: Ravana and Sita & The Golden Deer, Part B

Ravana Abducting Sita
(Source: Flickr)

Ravana and Sita

  • Plot: Ravana, the Rakshasa king of Lanka, disguised himself as a wise man in order to talk to Sita, who was unguarded in the forest. Eventually, Ravana reveals his true self and tried to influence Sita to become his wife. Sita was very furious with him and told him how she is devoted to Rama, her husband. Ravana was not happy and abducted her. He placed Sita in his chariot and rode off into the sky.
  • I liked how Sita used analogies to compare her dedication and loyalty to her husband Rama
    • Example: "I follow Rama as a lioness follows a lion"
  • Lots of descriptions are used in the story
  • I can change this story by writing it in a more modern style and change how Ravana was able to abduct her
The Golden Deer
  • Plot: Maricha, the brother of Ravana, can shape-shift, so he did into a beautiful golden deer. This was part of Ravana's plan to get Rama and Lakshmana away from Sita so she's alone. The plan worked because Sita asked Rama to hunt the deer for her, despite considering Lakshmana's warning how it might be a trick. She was filled with excitement and couldn't wait.
  • I could change the view point of this story to the deer's and write how he was able to execute his plan
  • I could also change the setting to a modern one
                         PDE Ramayana: The Golden Deer


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