Reading Notes: Sita & Rama Wins Sita, Part A


  • Plot: Rama is out with his brother Lakshmana plucking flowers at this garden. At the same garden, Princess Sita was also there along with her maids walking around. One of the maids noticed the two princes telling Sita and the others. At this instance, Rama only heard the sounds coming from Sita's bangles on her feet, and he already knew that she would be the love of his life. He lifted his head and saw Sita for the first time. Sita never said anything at the garden. 
  • I think it will be interesting to tell this story in Sita's perspective and what she was thinking when she saw Rama for the first time. 
  • Maybe make this story in a more modern setting and change the location of where they first meet.
Rama Wins Sita
  • Plot: Janak, monarch of Videha, placed a challenged for his daughter's hand in marriage. His daughter was Sita. The challenge was that whoever was able to bend the bow of Shiva will get to marry Sita. Many suitors from all around tried to bend the bow but were unsuccessful. However, only Rama was able to win the challenge. He strung the bow with such force that it broke sending everyone into disbelief. Thus, him winning Sita's hand in marriage.
  • I think I could change the setting of this story along with the challenge. Changing the challenge could make the story more interesting
  • I could make this story more modern. Maybe a young Rama trying to win Sita by impressing the her father in a modern way.
  • Also, could tell the story in Rama's perspective and what he was going through as he took on this challenge. 
Bibliography: PDE Ramayana: Sita
                         PDE Ramayana: Rama Wins Sita
Rama breaking the bow
(Source: Wikimedia Commons)


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