Reading Notes: Mahabharata Video, Part B

Son of the Sun
Kunti's secret was that she had a son from the sun god. When she was a young women, this sage came to her town. Now everyone was afraid of this sage because he tended to give curses to people. However, Kunti was not scared of him and kept him company. Seeing this made the sage happy and he had given her a gift that she could summon any god she wanted to by saying a mantra. Thus, she summoned the sun god to see if it worked and in the end result, he gave her a child. 

Pandu's Curse
Pandu and his two wives left the palace to go live in the forest to enjoy nature. In his time in the forest, Pandu enjoyed to hunt deers, but he made a grave mistake one day when killed a couple while they were intimate with one another. The man cursed Pandu that if he becomes intimate with a women he would die. Hastinapur was in need of a king now, but Kunti finally told Pandu about her gift. Pandu got happy and told her to summon a god to give Hastinapur a king. 

Sons of Pandu
Kunti called upon the god of truth and death who gave her a son Yudhishthira. The second son Bhima was from the wind god and had amazing strength . The third son Arjuna was from king of Devas. Also, Kunti gave Madri twins Nakula and Sahadeva since she didn't have any children either. Later, Kunti found Pandu dead because he forced himself on Madri and died because of the curse. Madri shared her husband's fate and walked into the flame at Pandu's funeral. 

One Hundred Sons
Gandhari was pregnant but gave birth to a lump of flesh and was upset. Veda Vyasa returns to fulfill her fate in having hundred sons. He divided the lumps into a hundred pieces to get her sons. However, they're was something demonic about her sons. Her first son was Duryodhana. Then Kunti returned to the palace with Pandu's five sons.

Hate and Hurt
Duryodhana was annoyed that the Pandu's sons were back to the palace and especially didn't like Bhima. He was worried that the throne and Hastinpur will be taken rom him. He took his uncle's advice and made a plan to prevent that from happening. He laced some sweets with sleeping herbs and tied up Bhima. Next, he pushed Bhima into the river.

The Magic Potion
Bhima ended up in this palace, which was home of the most powerful serpents. Vasuki showered Bhima with love and gave him a potion. This potion will give him so much strength to face threats that will save his and his brothers life. 

The princes of Hastinapur are now young men and meet a mentor who will teach them everything about weapons and war.

Drona Trains the Pandavas
Drona continues teaching the princes and notices each ones strengths. Drona's secret passion was that he wanted revenge from this palace near border of Panchal.

Ekalavya's Story
The princes of Pandavas found a much better archer than Arjuna named Ekalavya. They found out his mentor was Drona, which they were shocked. It turns out Drona never actually taught the boy because he refused to teach him a long time ago. Drona asked Ekalavya to cut off his right thumb to prevent him in becoming a legend in archery and the boy did without hesitation.  
Ekalavya cutting his right thumb off
(Source: Wikimedia Commons)
Bibliography: Mahabharata: Karmic Revolution Part B


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