Reading Notes: The Return to Mathura, Part B

The Return of Mathura

  • Krishna is about 12 years of age now, and has been dealing with all the attempts made on his life by Kansa. He has managed to defeat all the demons so far sent his way.
  • Krishna and his brother Bolarama head to the city of Mathura.
  • There was a sacred object guarded near King Kansa's throne, which was a great bow. It is said anyone who wants to take his crown must first bend and break the bow, which is from the gods. 
  • Krishna manages to bend and break this great bow. In doing so, it made a huge sound that even Kansa could hear it from a distant.
  • Kansa wasn't able to sleep well because he kept dreaming of himself with no head. To others he showed no fear or concern about the bow breaking, but inside he was worried.
  • There was a tournament in the city where people would match their skill to the King's wrestlers or fighters. 
  • Kansa had a elephant secretly stationed which no one knew about.
  • Krishna and Bolarama came into contact with this elephant and it attacked them. Krishna fought it and in the end killed it along with it's keeper. 
  • Krishna and Bolarama were challenged against the King's fighters Chanura and Musthika. However, the king's fighters were killed by Krishna and Bolarama respectively. 
  • By the end of third combat, Kansa got worried because seeing the two brothers defeat his fighters he knew what was coming next. 
  • He ordered for the arrest of Krishna and Bolarama, along with their followers. Also, the death of Vasudeva, the two brothers' father. 
  • Krishna got to Kansa and grabbed him by his hair making his crown fall. He threw the king to the ground killing him.
  • At end, Krishna and Bolarama reunite with their parents Devaki and Vasudeva.
  • I think it would be interesting to tell this story in the perspective of Krishna and what was going through his mind when he had to kill Kansa. For all his life, Kansa sent demons after him to kill him, so that must have been rough. Also being separated from his parents.
Krishna killing Kansa
(Source: Wikimedia Commons)
Bibliography: Cradle Tales of Hinduism- "The Return to Mathura" by Sister Nivedita.


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