Reading Notes: Indian Fables and Folklore, Part B

Shibi and the Hawk

  • Shibi was a king, who was know for his unselfishness and love for God's creatures.
  • At a park, this pigeon fell into his arms. The bird was tired from trying to get away from a hawk.
  • Shibi managed to revive the poor bird, but then the hawk told him to hand over the pigeon to him. He told the hawk no that he couldn't do that to the pigeon.
  • The hawk explain how he had the right to do so because the pigeon was its prey, otherwise he would starve. 
  • Realizing the hawk was kind of right, Shibi offered himself as food for him if the hawk let the pigeon go free.
  • Hawk agreed and Shibi prevent both the birds from suffering.
  • I found the ending quite odd and couldn't believe he offered himself without hesitating. 
  • I think I would want to change the ending where Shibi doesn't get hurt and instead finds another source of food for the hawk.
The hawk that was trying to eat the pigeon.
(Source: Pixabay)
Bibliography: Indian Fables and Folklore- Part B by Shovona Devi.


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