Reading Notes: More Jataka Tales, Part B

The Great Elephant

  • There was this great beautiful elephant in the sandy desert.
  • The elephant heard voices of men and went to go see what was up.
  • The men told the great elephant that they've been lost in the desert for days with no food or water and how they lost a ton of men.
  • The elephant noticed how weak and desperate these men were for food and water. He told them to go to this hill where an elephant will provide them of food and there will be a stream nearby.
  • Next the elephant just started to run towards the hill really fast, making the men confused why the elephant ran in such a rush.
  • Elephant climbed all the way to the top of hill and jumped killing itself.
  • By the time the men catch up, they notice the great elephant dead on the ground. 
  • They were amazed and shocked on the fact how the elephant gave up its life to save theirs, so they can get strong by eating its meat to make it to the nearest city.
  • This had a happy ending but also a very sad one. I think I might change it where the elephant and his friends give the men a ride to the nearest city.
  • I could also change the setting to maybe a more forest area.
The great elephant that saved the men. (Source: Flickr)
The Forest Fire
  • There was a mother and father quail who had 7 little baby quails.
  • The parents would feed the little ones worms, insects, and grass seeds, which all the babies would eat except one.
  • The seventh baby quail would only eat grass seed, which made it not grow as strong as its brothers and sisters. Its wings were not quite developed like the other babies.
  • Then one day there was a fire. The parents and six of the baby quails flew away to avoid the fire. 
  • However, the seventh quail's wings were not developed, so he couldn't fly. He showed no fear to the fire though. He tried to tell the fire to go away and it blew in another direction.
  • He lived happily afterwards.
  • I wandered how its family could just leave him there without trying to help him. I thought that was sad, but at least the little guy showed no fear.
Bibliography: Twenty Jataka Tales- "The Great Elephant" by Noor Inayat Khan
                         Twenty Jataka Tales- "The Forest Fire" by Noor Inayat Khan


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