Reading Notes: Turtle and Rabbit Jatakas

The Turtle and the Geese
(Source: Wikimedia Commons)
The Turtle and the Geese
This story was about how two geese were trying to help a turtle to get somewhere since it couldn't fly. The turtle had to bite onto a stick that way the geese could carry him to their destination, and all the turtle had to do was keep his mouth shut. However, while in the air, the turtle heard some people talking about him and the geese, so he decided to respond to their comments. Thus, leading to the death of the turtle because he didn't keep his mouth shut. I like the lesson in this story because the turtle was not thinking things through before speaking. I also didn't understand why the turtles wanted him to keep his mouth shut because he didn't grasp the underlying meaning. Because he wasn't thinking things through, he ultimately suffered the consequence. 

The Foolish, Timid Rabbit
I also found this story interesting because of the lesson found within the story. This was about a rabbit who feared of the thought of the world falling apart. In that exact instance, he heard a coconut fall, which sent him running because he thought his fear of coming true. As he ran, he told passing animals who told other animals, thus causing them to run with him. A lion noticed all these animals running and decided to stop them to find the reason why. The lion told the other animals to stay put and went with the rabbit to find if the world was really falling apart at the source. Soon, the lion realized the rabbit was wrong and misunderstood the situation. The lesson was that the rabbit let his fears get the best of him and letting it control his life. This is pretty common since most people let their fears get in their way. Also, it was interesting to note that none of animals questioned the information being passed onto them except the lion. Sometimes you need to double check because it might not be true.

Two Turtles Jatakas by Ellen C. Babbitt


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