Feedback Thoughts

The first article I read on feedback was called Why Even the Best Feedback Can Bring Out the Worst in Us. I found this article interesting because it talked about how sometimes we don't take feedback well and respond in a negative way about it. Like, how we refuse to hear criticism even though it can help us better ourselves and reach our goals. One thing this article mentioned was that if we accepted the advice and bolstered our positive identities we might be more ready to accept the feedback. I found this quite helpful because I feel nobody really likes hearing constructive criticism. Also, this might be a good way to get past your bad feeling about the feedback and accept it in a positive way.

The second article I read was called Seven Ways to Crush Self-Doubt in Creative Work by John Spencer. This article was intriguing to me because it gave some strategies to help overcome self-doubt. Some of the top ones that I found that might be the most helpful are abandon perfectionism, embrace a growth mindset, and trusting yourself. I know personally I need to work on abandoning perfectionism. Sometimes I get too invested on how I want certain things to be perfected, and waste time on trying to make it better. Nothing is really perfect, so I think I need to just trust myself more and let go of making things perfect. Also, having a growth mindset would help with thinking more positive and looking at mistakes as a growing opportunities.

A Guy Receiving Some Feedback
(Source: Flickr)  


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