Reading Notes: PDE Mahabharata, Part A

You could see Pandu killing the brahmin and the rishi's son
(Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Pandu and His Wives

  • Pandu really loved to hunt deers so he retired with his two wives Kunti and Madri in the Himalaya mountains.
  • However, he killed two deers that was disguised as a holy brahmin and his wife. This brahmin cursed Pandu that he would die in the arms of one of his wives
  • Pandu got all scared thus took vows of celibacy gave most of his stuff to brahmins
  • Pandu killed another deer who was actually a rishi's son. When Pandu killed him he was in the middle of having sex, so he cursed Pandu for doing so wrong to him and killing him in that state.
  • He cursed Pandu that he will die in the same manner as he did and so will his wife 
  • I'm not quite sure how I would change this story. Maybe change the manner in why Pandu was cursed to something different

  • Amba was the eldest of three princesses of the King of Benares
  • She and her sisters were won by Bhishma to be brides of his younger brother named Vichitravirya.
  • However, Amba had her eyes set on King of the Shalwas and felt it was wrong of her to marry Vichitravirya since she was thinking of another man
  • Bhishma lets her go and she heads to Shalwas only to find out that the king there no longer wants her.
  • He doesn't want her because he feels kind of ashamed and bitter that  he was defeated by Bhishma. He also felt unworthy of Amba and showed no affection towards her anymore, so he turned her away.
  • Amba felt humiliated and had no place to go since she's be rejected now twice in a sense
  • Next thing she started to pray hardcore and Shiva showed up because he was drawn to her by all her praying
  • She wished to slay Bhishma herself. Shiva told her she would be reborn as a man and be a warrior who slays Bhishma.
  • After Shiva disappeared, Amba basically burns herself to death so she can reincarnate to slay Bhishma.
                         PDE Mahabharata- Amba


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