Topic Brainstorm

Krishna and Rukmini
I'm interested in this topic because I want to learn more about the love story between Krishna and Rukmini. I never really heard about Rukmini, but I am familiar with love story of Radha and Krishna. I want to learn more about how Krishna fought for his love Rukmini because her brother didn't want them to get married. Also, I think it would be interesting to tell this love story in Rukmini's brothers' perspective.

Rama and Sita
I love reading about love stories, so I'm definitely interested in learning more about Rama and Sita's love story. I do have some previous knowledge about them because my mom would tell me some stories when I was much younger. However, I would like to know more about they meet and their journey. Also, I think it would be fun to rewrite their story, or maybe see it from a different view point.

Food and Religious Festivals
I think this would be a interesting topic to do a project on because of my personal experience. I'm from a Hindu background, so I know a lot about the different religious festivals that we celebrate and our food. It'll be a nice way to learn how certain foods are correlated with various festivals. For this project, I can relate my own personal experiences I had with celebrating some of Hindu festivals.

I want to learn more about Saraswati, the goddess of wisdom. Once again, I have some previous knowledge of her, but not much. So, it will be nice to learn more about how she became to be known as the goddess of wisdom and her journey. It would be interesting to tell the story through Saraswati's perspective.
Saraswati, the Goddess of Wisdom
(Source: Wikimedia Commons)


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