Reading Notes: Mahabharata Video, Part A

The Mahabharata: Karmic Revolution

        I really liked the illustration during the mini video series because it made the story more interesting and fun to listen. I think the video series did a good job overall summarizing some of the Mahabharata. It started with King Shantanu of Hastinapura falling in love a river goddess named Ganga. They marry under the condition that the king doesn't question her. Ganga ends up drowning seven of their sons once they were born. When she had the eight son, the king couldn't take it anymore and question her. She explains to him about the curse and leaves with their son. After many years pass, the king finally reunites with his son and brings him back to be the prince in the kingdom. King Shantanu falls in love with a fisherman's daughter, but can't marry her unless he allows her children to become king. However, the king could not do this since his son was promised to be the next king. Later, his son goes to the fisherman to convince him and makes a vow to be celibate and give up the throne, if he agrees to the marriage. Because of this horrible vow made, the son is now called Bhishma. After King Shantanu died, there has been a ton of problems with who is suitable to be the next king. Eventually a long lost son of Satyavati named Vyasa comes and saves the kingdom by having three children with three women. One of the sons is blind, while the other one is pale and weak. The third one is wise but his mother was a servant. Also, there was some rivalry between the two of the three sons. Gandhari who gives up her eye site to marry the blind son named Dhritarashtra. Her brother was very upset that his sister is ruining her life.
        I think if I was to rewrite this part of the story I could make it in a different view point and kind of change the setting. I probably still want to keep the overall plot the same, but just tweak certain parts of the story. Also, I think it would be really interesting to tell certain parts in Bhishma's point of view because I feel like he played a key role in the Mahabharata.
Ganga introducing King Shantanu his son, who is later known as Bhishma
(Source: Wikimedia Commons)
Bibliography: The Mahabharata: Karmic Revolution


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