Reading Notes: PDE-Mahabharata, Part C

Riddles at the Lake

  • A brahmin asked the Pandava brothers to catch and kill this animal to get the sacred twigs from it.
  • The brothers got tired and went to this lake because they were thirsty.
  • Yudhishthira sent Nakula to the lake first. As he approached it, he heard a voice saying to if he answers a question he can drink the water, but chose to ignore it and continued to drink the water. He died after that.
  • Next, Sahadeva went up to lake wandering about his brother and then also heard the voice. He ignored it and drank the water, which lead to his death.
  • Arjuna went after and heard the voice. He used his arrows and started shooting them. Then he drank water and died.
  • Bhima went to lake too and drank the water, which he died too.
  • Finally, Yudhishthira went to the lake and asked the voice who it was. Voice said it was a yaksha. Yudhishthira agreed to answer his riddles.
  • The voice asked many different types of riddles in which Yudhishthira answered with patients and carefully.
  • He was granted to drink the water and voice revealed itself. The voice was actually Dharma, the god of wisdom and justice. 
  • He gave Yudhishthira two wishes basically.  Yudhishthira wished for his brothers' lives back and that they are not recognized.
  • I could change the setting of this story say instead of trying to drink water they were trying to cross a bridge. 
  • I could add a character that saves the five brothers instead of one of the brothers.
Yudhishthira sitting on the throne with Draupadi and brothers
(Source: Wikimedia Commons)


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