Reading Notes: Eastern Stories and Legends, Part A

The Man Who Worked to Give Alms

  • There was a buddha born as merchant named Vissaya
  • He loved to give back to the community and help people who needed food or anything. 
  • He set up charities all over the city and at his own house.
  • Sakka, the King of the gods, got kind of jealous and worried that he might be replaced by this merchant.
  • Sakka made all the merchants stuff disappear including his charities.
  • As people came to the merchant asking for help, the merchant realized his stuff was gone except a mower. He would mow the grass and tried to use that to give back to his charities.
  • Merchant eventually grew weak, and Sakka asked him why he kept giving alms.
  • Merchant replied that he didn't want to replace him or become a brahma, and just wanted to help.
  • Sakka eventually gave the merchant's wealth back.
  • I think I could rewrite this story in a more modern way in where someone misjudges the others' intentions. 
The act of giving alms.
(Source: Wikimedia Commons)
Bibliography: "The Man Who Worked to Give Alms" by Marie L. Shedlock.


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